Locally raised, grass fed lamb from Outryder Farms is on sale NOW!

Author: Ike Mallula

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The Truth About Meat Diets Vs. Plant-Based Diets

Which is better for you – a plant-based diet or a diet that is based on meat? If you believe many of the headlines Google has to offer, plant-based is the way to go. But the reality is that a lot of the research that has been done on this topic is biased, and at Red House Ranch, we subscribe to healthy meat-based diets. In this post, we’d like to talk about why.

A World With No Meat: 3 Unwanted Consequences

Imagine if you will, a world with no meat. Imagine a world where people solely dine on fruits, vegetables, grains and processed grocery store foods. While there are vegans and vegetarians who base their diets on these types of foods, adapting this concept for everyone could have a lot of unintended consequences.

Recommended Reading for Improved Eating

Now that we’ve talked about how all the resources we use to uncover how this clean food can benefit your body, we want to show you all the great ways to prepare it! This short list digs into some of our favorite cookbooks, giving you a plethora of trusted and tasty recipes that can actually get you excited about clean eating (we promise there is WAY more than salad and steamed veggies out there!).

Recommended Reading for Improved Health

Let’s face it. Both Dave and I are knowledge-driven people. We didn’t just choose one day that the grass-fed, clean eating lifestyle was trendy and decide we wanted to be on board. We read a ton of material that convinced us of the benefits of our lifestyle, and the undeniable facts continue to impact the food decisions we make.

The Partnerships that Make us More than Meat and Eggs

When we chose to take our farming from hobby to business, we knew we needed the support of other small business owners to help us with the parts of the process we aren’t equipped to handle. Our goal was to partner with small, local businesses who are as committed to ethical, humane treatment of our livestock as we are.

Why Buying Clean, Local Food is Worth the Investment

Everyone buys food. But not everyone has fully embraced the clean-eating movement, so we’re going to cut straight to the chase. There’s a common myth that clean, locally-sourced foods are priced higher than comparable products you can find in the grocery store.

RHR Thanksgiving Favorite – Roasted Pastured Turkey

There is nothing more inviting than the smell of a roasting turkey on a cool Thanksgiving morning, and nothing tastier than the juicy, savory bird next to your favorite fixin’s. At RHR, we have a simple turkey-roasting recipe that we’re happy to share in the spirit of Thanksgiving-day planning and preparation.

Pre-Thanksgiving Showdown: RHR vs. Grocery Store Turkey

At most Thanksgiving dinners, a succulent, savory turkey is the focal point of the table and will undoubtedly be a fan favorite at dinner. If you’re the one responsible to cooking this year, it might seem easy to pick up a bird from the freezer section of the grocery store while you’re buying your yams and green beans.

What Goes into Makin’ the Bacon?

When it comes to meat, there is one type that, without a shadow of a doubt, is every carnivore’s favorite protein. This meat candy (otherwise known as bacon) is perfectly suited for any keto, paleo, or other LCHF diets. This delicious pork product is versatile and not just made for breakfast.

11 Clean-Eating Foods to Keep Stocked in Your Kitchen

We all know that eating clean has tremendous positive effects on our well-being. From your body’s physical state, to the physiological aspects that affect its function, to mental health – putting whole, unprocessed foods into your body help fuel it to perform at its highest level.