Locally raised, grass fed lamb from Outryder Farms is on sale NOW!
Pasture Raised Pork Leaf Lard

Pasture Raised Pork Leaf Lard

13 oz.

Go back to the days before seed oil. Cooking with rendered lard is one of the fundamental ways to enjoy better health through real food. 

Expect exceptional flakiness and flavor when you use pasture raised leaf lard in your biscuits and pie crust.

Finally, our own rendered lard is in the store and ready to ship to you. 

Leaf lard is the hard fat found inside the pig near the kidneys. It contains no trans fats, but is full of monounsaturated fats, especially when it comes from pasture raised pigs, which makes it a healthy fat option. 

You know, our mom likes to bake and her pies are outstanding. Now that she has leaf lard available her pie crusts are flakier than ever.

Why are pie crusts, empanada wrappers and biscuits extra flakey? Because there are no milk solids or water in lard.

Does rendered lard taste like pork chops? NO! Absolutely not!

There is no muscle tissue in this internal fat from the pig. Leaf lard is delicate, light, and clean tasting. 

Rendered lard has a high smoke point and can used for frying or sauteing on stovetop. 

Our leaf lard is rendered and  packed in one pint tubs - ready to store in the freezer or ready to use.

And, one more thing - don't forget that our hogs are not exposed to any agricultural chemicals. 

They live on pristine pastures, in sunshine and fresh air where they're free to root and roam and be lazy under the shade of big, old trees. They receive only non-GMO feed in addition to the roots and shoots they find in the field. No antibiotics. No steroids. No growth hormones.