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One Dozen @ $4.25/dozen

Super fresh and packed with nutrition. Our eggs come from right here on our farm! The hens are raised naturally on pasture and produce the best eggs. You can see and taste the difference.

Our hens are free range, cage free, and pasture-raised. We never give them antibiotics and their food is ORGANIC AND GMO-FREE. They have constant access to fresh grass and spend most of their day outside dust bathing, scratching in the grass, and enjoying the sun. At night, they roost in a heated, protected house with all their sisters. Unlike factory-farmed eggs, our hens live a healthy life with access to the proper nutrients meaning they are happier, healthier animals with healthier more nutritious eggs.

I'm going to add a new paragraph.
Eggs are a super nutrient-dense food that contain 13 essential vitamins and all 9 essential amino acids—for only 70 calories. Packed with protein, choline, selenium, riboflavin, vitamin D, and phosphorus, it's clear that they're powerhouses of nutrition.
And our eggs are FRESH -- the date on your box is the date that they're laid. And that means that they'll last up to 3 MONTHS in your refrigerator!