Locally raised, grass fed lamb from Outryder Farms is on sale NOW!

We are thrilled to be working Outryder Farms. We will be carrying their Organic Chicken, Turkey and grass finished lamb.  They raise their animals the way would.  Here's their story.  They and the animal managers for The Fingerlakes Cidery.

After five years of working and apprenticing on various farms, Lawrence and Livi started Outryder Farm in 2021. As first generation farmers, we spent that time learning as much as we could about the different fields of agriculture that interested us most: grass based livestock production, woodland mushroom cultivation, silvopasture, agroforestry and orcharding.

In 2021 we became certified organic, raising chickens, grass-fed lamb and log grown shiitake mushrooms. Our slow growing red ranger chickens are fed local organic grain and are moved daily to fresh pasture. Our grass-fed lamb live alongside Good Life Farm cattle and are moved daily as well. Outryder animals spend most of their lives outside, either out on pasture, under the dappled shade of our silvopasture or hunkering down in the woods through the colder months.  

Using nature as our guide, we raise our chickens and pigs outdoors, rotationally graze our sheep year round, and grow shiitake in the woods on logs. Our goal is to grow the things we love and feel are best for our community, the land, the planet and the animals that we rely on to sustain us. 

Outryder Farms